Our Guiding Principles
The Company’s focus is on projects that generate high-quality carbon credits and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (the “UN SDGs”), also referred to as the Global Goals. In line with our mission, we focus on projects designed to deliver impacts beyond carbon reduction or removal potential.
Our Guiding Principles inform our investment decisions and direct our day-to-day operations:

We meet these ambitions by forming synergistic Partnerships for the Goals (SDG#17) with project partners that demonstrate success in carbon project development, a connection to community and the environment, and a shared vision to advance a just and low-carbon transition.
Carbon Streaming is a proud participant of the UN Global Compact, a global corporate sustainability initiative designed to educate companies and ensure that the principles of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption are integrated into their strategies and business operations. We plan to submit our first Communication of Progress on the implementation of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in calendar year 2023.
We are also proud members of the Canadian Business for Social Responsibility. These commitments have allowed us to learn from and contribute to the community while strengthening the quality of our business decisions and commitment to sustainable business practice.
As evidence of that commitment, we have published a Sustainability Report which can be downloaded below.