Waverly Biochar


The Waverly Biochar project involves the construction of a biochar production facility located at a wood pellet manufacturer in Waverly, Virginia, United States and is being developed by Restoration Bioproducts LLC. Biochar, short for biological charcoal, is produced by heating biomass (organic feedstocks such as wood, peanut shells, manure and crop waste) in the near or total absence of oxygen, resulting in a very stable form of carbon that prevents the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for centuries, making it valuable for sequestration purposes. This process is known as pyrolysis and an illustration can be found here.

Each dry tonne of biochar produced will result in a certain number of tonnes of emission removals with a certain permanence period. The Waverly Biochar project is expected to remove over 261,000 tCO2e of emissions over its 25-year project life and generate an equivalent number of carbon credits. The project is expected to be verified under the independent standard Puro.earth, a leading standard for biochar projects. Carbon Streaming also has a royalty on the approximately 140,000 bone dry US tons of biochar that is expected to be produced and sold by the project over its 25-year life.

Impact Highlights

Advancing Sustainable Development

Biochar supports responsible consumption and production by reducing organics in landfills. Other applications facilitate the development of carbon-negative products, building materials and composites, such as biochar-based green roofs. 

Improving Livelihoods

The project is expected to be a significant employer in the local community of Waverly, Virginia and has garnered substantial local government support for bringing new industry to the region. Restoration Bioproducts is committed to providing training and above average wages to full-time site operators and technicians. It is anticipated that the majority of biochar generated by the project will be used in agricultural applications that deliver soil enhancements that support long-term food security through increased water and nutrient retention and ammonia reduction. Together these improve crop yields and revenues, helping to alleviate poverty and hunger.

Carbon Credits

The Waverly Biochar project is expected to generate ~10,000 carbon credits per year on average over its 25-year project life. A portion of the revenue from the sale of the carbon credits will flow back to Restoration Bioproducts (the project partner) and the project.

Key Attributes

Project Type

Removal / Sequestration

Project Category


Standard Body

Puro.earth expected

Initial Credit Issuance


Key Attributes

Project Type

Removal / Sequestration

Project Category


Standard Body

Puro.earth expected

Initial Credit Issuance


Project Partner

Restoration Bioproducts logo

Restoration Bioproducts LLC, based in the Commonwealth of Virginia, develops pyrolysis-based projects to refine biomass into higher value products. Those products include biochar, bio-oil, wood vinegar, heat and/or power. Carbon credits are also part of the equation. Each project is a stand-alone entity with its own unique feedstock and product mix. The scale of the projects fits well within small rural communities where jobs and economic development are needed. The products help address climate change, reduce the use of toxic substances in the environment, increase farm profitability and improve water quality.

We are very pleased and excited to enter this new relationship with Carbon Streaming. We believe biochar and renewable energy are important strategies for addressing climate change, and carbon finance through Carbon Streaming will help enable company expansion. The international reach that Carbon Streaming provides will enable us to grow well into the future.